Sales By Customer Group Report

Sales By Customer Group Report

This report will collect the sales orders in a set date range and organize them by customer group. The report will include Order ID, Customer ID, current order Status, Total order price, any Tax fees, any Shipping fees, Discount amounts and Invoice date.

  1. Click Reports.
  2. Click Sales Reports.
  1. You will be redirected to the Managerial Accounting Reports screen.
  1. Click Sales By Customer Group.
  1. You will be redirected to the report. See image below:

  1. In the top right, Click Advanced Filters.
  2. Going left to right, do the following:
  1. Set a Date Range. This will populate data based on invoice dates.
  2. Select a Customer Group.
  3. Select which Order Statuses to populate on the report.
  4. Optional: Click the Search by Creation Date check box. This will populate data based upon when sales orders were created, instead of their invoice dates.
  1. Click Filter.
  2. The report will populate in the Graphs and Quick Preview sections.

To learn more about customer groups see the How to Create Customer Groups article.

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