Introduction to Zangerine

Introduction to Zangerine

This manual is a guide to your new Zangerine System. It is organized in a fashion that allows your users to see the order of operations within your database. It will cover the preparatory steps to creating useful product listings, and continue to the end goal of completing sales orders and shipping. Once you have learned the basics of Zangerine through this introductory manual, visit the Zangerine Knowledgebase to find additional training articles. To get the best use of this manual, use the Table of Contents on the right of the page to navigate through the training topics.

The beginning of this manual will show you how to navigate the system by breaking down the different menu items you can select. To start, when first logging into Zangerine you will be presented with the Dashboard screen. From here you can access the various applications within Zangerine.

On the left of the screen you can find the Zangerine Menu. The main section names will be displayed at all times for easy access to the various sections within the system. When you click the name of a section it will expand to show the options within it. You can then select the sub-section you need to access.

Above the menu you’ll find a search bar That can be used to search for products, orders, customers, companies, and quotes.

Moving to the top-middle of the screen, you’ll find a play button. When you click this a list of training videos will appear on the right of the page. Training video availability can be found for most major functions.

In the top right corner you will find four buttons. First is the Chat icon. If you have questions and want to reach out to Zangerine Support, click this button and a chat box will appear in the bottom right of the screen.

The second is the mail icon. This will show you any notifications you’ve received and link you to your Zangerine Inbox.

The third is the name of the user logged in. When you click this icon you are shown the User name logged in, which you can click to access that account information, a link to your website, three arrows which adjust the font size on your database, and a sign out button.

The fourth is the cog icon. When you click this a black bar will appear on the right side of the screen with two icons at the top; a film reel and a heart. The heart section gives you options to adjust preferences for what appears on list pages.  The film reel will show available training videos for the current page you are on, access to the Zangerine Knowledge base, Support chat, Support ticket submission, and Suggest a Feature buttons.

Now that you know the basics of navigating Zangerine, we will guide you through the basics of setting up and using your system. The order of operation within this manual is organized to flow from the beginning of setting up your system to completing orders and populating reports.


When starting a new database inside Zangerine, one of the most basic steps is to create locations for your inventory. Whether you have a single warehouse or multiple, adding them to your system now will prepare you to assign inventory counts and locations to the correct facility.

If you are a more visual learner, see our training video on How to Add Warehouses.

How to Add Warehouses

  1. Click Settings.
  2. Click Manage Warehouses.
  3. Click Add Warehouse.
  1. You will be redirected to the warehouse edit screen. See image below:

  1. Enter a Warehouse Name. This is what will appear on your inventory locations.
  2. The following are optional fields:
  1. Warehouse Manager First Name.
  2. Warehouse Manager Last Name.
  1. Enter the Warehouse Address and Phone Number.
  2. Optional: Use the Association field to create warehouse locations for either Sales Reps or Customers to track inventory you have stored outside of your warehouse(s).
  3. Use the Sort field to choose how your warehouses will be ordered in list format.
  4. Click Update.


The next section will show you how to create product categories in Zangerine. A later section will explain how to assign and organize your categories. Creating categories has multiple benefits such as helping keep both your website and Zangerine Database organized along with creating data for reports.

If you are a more visual learner, see our training video on Product Categories.

How to create Product Categories

  1. Click Catalog.
  2. Click Categories.
  1. You will be redirected to the Product Categories screen. See image below:

  1. Add a Title.
  2. Optional: Add an Alias name.This will change how the URL on your website for the categorie’s page appears.
  1. E.g. if the title is Standard and the Alias is Stand, the URL will end in Stand instead of Standard.
  1. Optional: Add an image to show on your website.
  1. Note: Depending on your website design this functionality may be disabled.
  1. Optional: Use the parent field if you want to make this a subcategory to an existing category.
  1. You can also use the Categories list on the right of the page to manually sort your categories and subcategories.
  1. Enter a description in the content field. This can be used on your website.
  2. Optional: Fill in the Meta Title, Description, and Keyword for SEO optimization.
  3. Select either Sort Order or Alphabetical to set how product will be sorted in the category.
  1. If you select Alphabetical the products assigned to your category will be sorted based upon the first letter in their title.
  2. If you are using Sort Order, you will need to set the sort number for any products you add to your category. That will be explained later in this manual.
  1. Click Save.


This section will show you how to add new Vendors to Zangerine. Vendor listings will be used to create Purchase Orders. Later in this manual we will go over how to assign preferred vendors for your products.

If you are a more visual learner, see our training video on Managing Vendors.

How to Add Vendors

  1. Click Purchasing.
  2. Click Manage Vendors.
  3. Click Create.
  1. You will be redirected to the Create Vendor screen. See image below:

  1. Enter a Name for the Vendor in the Title field.
  1. This is the only required field.
  2. If you want to store information about your vendor such as contact email, website, your account number, address, and phone number use the fields provided here.
  1. Click Save.
  1. You will be redirected to the Edit Vendor screen.


This section will guide you on how to use the steps you’ve previously completed, to create robust product listings. Taking a little extra time to understand this section will help you feel confident in managing your inventory within Zangerine.

How to Create a New Product

  1. Click Catalog.
  2. Click Add Product.
  1. You will be redirected to the Edit Product page. See image below:

  1. In the General tab the required fields you must fill are:
  1. Product Name
  2. SKU, by using one of the two below options:
  1. Enter a SKU manually.
  2. Click Generate in the SKU box.
  1. Click the Prices tab.
  1. Set the Standard Price. This is the default price.
  2. Optional: Set the List Price. This will override the standard price on your website.
  1. Click Save and Continue.

Assigning inventory types for products

When creating a product you can set the inventory type it will be. This function will help to optimize the listing for the specific ways you want to organize your stock.

  1. Inside your product listing, click the Inventory tab.
  2. Click the drop down menu for Inventory Type.
  1. Select an option.

  1. Click Save and Continue.

Reasons for each type:

FIFO: First In First Out

  • When dealing with expiration dates, perishables, or time/temperature sensitive materials. Also a good choice for general listings. This is the default type.

Serial Number

  • If handling a product that needs to be specific to individual items. Serial numbers allow you to track the life of a product from receiving to sales.

Lot Number

  • Good for organizing batches of products.


  • If you need a listing for a labor service you offer.

How to Adjust Inventory Counts

This section will show how to manually adjust inventory counts for products. This method is for default(FIFO) inventory type product listings.

If you are a more visual learner, see our training videos on Inventory adjustment and Tracking inventory history

If you do not have a set location for your product yet, do the following to add a new location for your product. See the fields in the image below:

  1. In the Inventory tab, Enter the quantity for this new location in the QTY field.
  2. Select a Warehouse.
  3. Enter a location using the Row, Column, Shelf, and Bin fields.
  4. Click the blue Plus button.
  1. The new location will be shown above the fields you filled in. See image below:

  1. Click Save and Continue.
  2. The new location will be saved under a warehouse location next to Stock Level Overview. See image below:

This next section will explain how to adjust the inventory counts for existing locations.

  1. Inside the Inventory tab, select a warehouse. See image below:

  1. Enter the change to your inventory in the QTY field. See image below:

  1. Click Save and Continue.
  2. This will adjust the amount of inventory for your product in the specified location.

Setting Default Stock Locations

When handling receiving, the default stock location will be the first place that inventory is selected to be received into. You can always select a different location in the receiving module if needed.

  1. In your product listing, click the Inventory tab.
  2.  Select the default location for the product in the Default Receiving Location dropdown, see Image below.
  3.  Click Save and Continue.

Now that a Default Receiving Location has been selected the location will auto populate for this product when receiving against a Purchase Order. See image of example Purchase Order below:

How to upload Product images

Images attached to your product listings will populate onto your website. You can attach multiple images to a single product listing.

  1. Inside your product listing, Click the Files tab.
  2. Click the green Browse button, shown below:

  1. The file manager pop up window will appear.
  1. In the top left of the file manager, Click the Upload button, shown as a Vertical arrow, see image below:

  1. A second pop up window will appear.
  1. Select Add file(s).
  2. Select the files you want to upload from your device.
  1. To Upload your selected media to Zangerine, Click Start upload.
  1. Once finished, Click Return to files list.
  1. You will be returned to the File Manager pop up window.
  1. Click the checkbox on your media, see below:

  1. Click Select to attach your media to a product.
  2. The pop up window will close, and you will see the file name under images.
  1. Click Save and Continue.
  1. Tips and Tricks:
  1. Only Select one image per upload as Zangerine will only save one file per upload.
  2. To upload another image, Click the green Plus button. See below:

How to assign Product categories

This section will show you how to use the categories for products in Zangerine.

If you are a more visual learner, see our training video on Product Categories.

  1. Inside your product listing, Click the Categories tab.
  2. Select the categories the product falls under by Clicking the check boxes for the correct categories. See image below:

  1. Click Save and Continue.
  2. If your category is set to use Sort Order instead of Alphabetical, you will need to tell the system the correct order you want your products to be organized in. To accomplish that, do the following:
  1. While in the Edit Product screen click Advanced in the top menu.
  2. Click into the Sort Order box. See image below:

  1. Enter the number you want your product listed as and Click Save.
  2. Note: If you do not set a sort order the system will assign the order based upon when the products were entered into the system.
  1. To view all products in a category:
  1. Click Catalog
  2. Click Products
  3. Sort by category
  1. Select the desired category.
  2. The listed items will be organized based on the chosen setting for the category.

Alert: If you delete a category that product is assigned to, you will create errors in the system. Before deleting a category, you must first remove all products from it.

How to Assign Vendors for Product

  1. Within a product listing, Click the Purchasing tab. See image below:

  1. In the Product Vendors section, Click Add New Vendor.
  1. New fields will populate to enter select vendor information. See image below:

  1. In the Vendor field, select a pre-created Vendor listing.
  2. Optional: Enter the Vendor’s part number for the product, for your records.
  3. Enter the cost you pay your vendor for your records.
  1. This will not override the cost field at the top of this tab.
  2. This is per unit not per case.

How to create Kits

This article will explain how to use the kitting feature inside of Zangerine. To use kitting you’ll create a new product listing, and add inventory to that listing for your kit.

If you are a more visual learner, see our training video on Adding Kits and Components.

  1. Click Catalog.
  2. Click Add Product.
  1. You will be redirected to the Edit Product screen.
  1. On the general tab do the following:
  1. Add a Product name.
  2. Generate a SKU.
  1. Click the Kitting tab. See image below:

  1. On the left, Click Insert.
  1. This populates fields to add products as part of your kit. You can add as many fields as you need by clicking insert multiple times. See image below:

  1. Click the Material Product field. This allows you to search for the product you want to add to your kit.
  2. In the QTY field, enter the amount of the specific product required in the kit.
  1. (e.g I need two wheels in my bike kit, so I enter 2 in the QTY field.)
  1. Click Save And Continue.
  2. To add inventory for your kit, click Build Kits.
  1. The Build Kits pop up window will appear. See image below:

  1. Optional: In the Warehouse field, you can select a location you will pull inventory from. Once you do the window will hide other warehouse locations.
  2. In the Quantity to Build field, enter the Amount of kits you want to make.
  3. In the Component/Location field, you will see the quantities it will take from each attached product to make the requested kits. You can also select which location you want to deduct inventory from.
  1. This field will show if you do not have enough product to build your requested kits. See image below:

  1. Click Build Kits.
  2. The inventory will be added to your product listing. In the location where the kit is added, the notes field will show Created by Kit Builder.

You can also build kits on the fly within the picking module. Inside the picking module, you’ll find the blue Build Kits button in the same box as Product name. See image below:

When you click this button you will see the same Build Kits pop up window from the kitting tab in a product listing. Use that to build the needed amount of kits. Once you click Build Kits on the pop up window, the page will refresh to show the correct inventory count for your Kit within the picking module.

Purchase Orders

This section will take you through placing orders to your vendors to replenish your inventory.

How to Create a Purchase Order

  1. Click Purchasing.
  2. Click Create.
  3. You will be redirected to the Vendor Select page.
  1. Select the Vendor you want to place an order from.
  2. You will be redirected to the Purchase Order page. See image below:

  1. Under the Products section, add the Products you want to order.
  1. Click the text box under Product Name and type the title of the product. As you do, the system will search for the product listing.
  1. Select the product from the provided list.
  1. Under QTY, Select the Quantity of cases to order.
  2. Click the Arrow next to the green Update button.
  1. Select Update & Send.
  1. A pop up window will appear. See image below:

  1. Include any notes.
  1. Note:  The Attach Packing Slip checkbox will include the following document:

  1. Click Update & Send.

8. See the Vendor Purchase Order Email article for information on the next steps for your Purchase Order.

How to Receive a Purchase Order (Default Inventory type)

This section will show you how to receive a Purchase Order for products marked as FIFO inventory type.

  1. Click Purchasing.
  2. Click List.
  1. You will be redirected to the Purchase Order list screen.
  1. Select your Purchase Order.
  1. You will be redirected to the Purchase order.
  1. At the bottom of the screen, Click the green arrow next to Update.
  1. Select Receiving (Standard).
  2. You will be redirected to the Receiving module. See image below:

  1. In the Receiving Location field, Select the Location from the drop down, that you want to receive your product into.
  2. Enter any notes needed.
  3. In the Pass QTY field, enter the Total Product that is acceptable to receive.
  1. If all product is acceptable, click the Auto Fill.
  1. If you have product that is unfit to be received, such as being damaged during shipping, enter the total quantity into the Fail QTY field.
  2. Note: Do not enter product that is missing from the shipment.
  3. Click Update to receive your product and add to inventory.
  1. Note: Once you receive your product, the Cur. Pass QTY field will be updated to show the amount you’ve accepted.

How to Drop Ship without a Sales Order

This section will show you the steps to turn a purchase order into a drop shipment. Drop shipping a Sales Order will be discussed later in this manual.

  1. Click Purchasing.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Select a Vendor.
  1. Use the search bar to find a particular Vendor.
  1. Once you select a Vendor you will be taken to the Purchase Order edit page.
  1. Change the Shipping Address (which is the To Address) to the customer that the product should be shipped to.
  2. Check the Billing Address to make sure the bill for the Purchase Order goes to the correct place.
  1. Scroll down and Click the Internal tab as shown in the image below.
  1. Choose Yes in the Drop Ship section.
  1. Note: This allows you to filter during a search for all Purchase Orders that are drop ship orders.

  1. Click the Arrow next to the green Update button.
  1. Click Update & Send
  2. An Update and Send Pop-up window will appear
  1. Add any notes for the Vendor.
  2. Note:  The Attach Packing Slip checkbox will include the following document:

  1. Click Update & Send.
  2. See the Vendor Purchase Order Email document for further instructions on how to manage a Drop Shipment.

Customers and Companies

How to Add Companies

This section will show you how to create companies. Company listings within Zangerine are helpful when trying to keep customer listings organized.

If you are more of a visual learner, see our training videos on Adding Customers and Companies and Updating Existing Customer Information.

  1. Click  Customers.
  2. Click Manage Companies.
  3. Click Create Company.
  1. You will be redirected to the Create Company screen. See image below:

  1. Enter the Company Name.
  1. This is the only required field.
  2. If you need to store information such as contact email, address, phone number, payment terms or images, use the fields on this screen to do so.
  1. Click Submit.
  1. You will be redirected to the edit Company screen. See image below:

How to Add Customers

This section will show you how to create new customer accounts for use inside Zangerine. These accounts will be used to generate Sales Orders, pull data for reports, and various other functions within your database.

  1. Click Customers.
  2. Click Create Customer.
  1. You will be redirected to the Create Customer screen.

  1. Select a Job Title.
  2. Fill the following fields:
  1. First Name.
  2. Last Name.
  3. Email.
  4. Phone.
  1. Optional: Phone Extension.
  1. Fax Number.
  2. Website.
  1. Select the Company this customer is from.
  2. Add any necessary notes.
  3. Set the Tax Module.
  4. Under the  Default Shipping Address, Click Enter a New Address.
  1. The New Address pop up window will appear. See image below:

  1. Fill the fields to set the Shipping address, and Click Submit.
  1. If the Billing address is different from the Shipping address, set the Billing Address.
  2. Optional: Set a Colored Tag.
  1. Colored tags have multiple uses for organization, or work flow tracking.
  1. Set a Password or use the Generate Password button.
  2. In the top right, Select a Customer Group.
  3. The Status checkbox will be default to active, but if you want this new customer to start as inactive uncheck the box.
  4. Optional: Click the Send Email check box, to let the customer know their account has been created.
  5. Optional:  Add any Sales Reps.
  6. Click Add Customer.

How to Add Payment Options

This section will show you how to save payment options for your customers.

Note: The functionality described in this section is only usable through CMS integration. If your system does not have this integration setup you will not be able to add payment options. Please contact Zangerine Support for more information.

The payment option eCheck (ACH) is also specific to requested setup.

  1. In your customer listing, Click the red Add button in either the Credit card or eCheck section. See image below:

  1. The add payment pop up window will appear. See images below:

  1. Enter the required information for your selected option.
  2. Click Save Card or Save eCheck.
  3. The pop up window will disappear and the new payment option will appear under Payment Accounts. See image below:

  1. You can set one of these payment options as the Default choice.

Associating Zangerine Customer accounts with Website accounts:

  1. The email attached on your Customer’s Zangerine account will act as their account on your website.
  2. You’ll know the two accounts are linked when the customer goes to check out. Under their payment options they should have access to any payment options added to their Zangerine Customer account.
  1. Those options will appear as a drop down list, shown in the images below:

  1. Any new payment options added during check out will be saved into their customer account in Zangerine.

Sales Orders

How to Create a Sales Order

This Section will cover the basics of creating sales orders. The previous items you’ve completed will be used in creating and completing sales orders.

  1. Click Sales.
  2. Click Create Order.
  1. You will be redirected to the Select Customer screen. See image:

  1. Search the Customer Name, and Click their name.
  1. You will be redirected to the edit sales order screen. See image below:

  1. Under Product Name, Search for the product(s) being ordered.
  2. In the QTY field, enter the Quantity of the product being ordered.
  3. If you need to add additional products, Click the blue plus button to add more lines to your sales order.
  4. Click Update.
  5. Click the arrow next to update, and Select Preview and Pay.
  1. This will redirect you to the section of your sales order to handle everything from adding payment, to picking, to communicating with your customer. See image below:

How to Apply Discounts to Orders

This section will show you how to apply a discount to individual line items on a sales Order.

  1. Inside your sales order, Click the red Modify Order button.
  1. You will be redirected to the Order edit screen.
  1. Under the Products section, enter the discount amount into the Discount Value field. See image below:
  1. The Discount Value field allows you to apply percentage discounts.

  1. Click Update.
  2. You will see the discounted amount under the Order Summary section. See image below:

  1. If you want to directly change the cost of a product, enter the cost into the U/P Proposal  field.
  1. This will then show the percentage discount you’ve just entered in the Discount Value field.
  1. Click Update.

Note: You must add a discount to each line item individually. To apply a discount to an entire order see the How to Create Coupons article and the How to Apply Coupons in a Sales Order articles.

How to Apply Payment to an Order

Note: The functionality described in this article is only usable through CMS integration. If your system does not have this integration setup you will not be able to add payment options. Please contact Zangerine Support for more information.

The payment option eCheck (ACH) is also specific to requested setup.

  1. Click Sales.
  2. Click Orders.
  3. Select the Order you want to process payment for.
  4. On the right of the page above the red Modify Order button, Click Pay with Credit Card or Pay With eCheck (ACH).
  1. This will open the Payment pop up window for the option selected. See image below:

  1. You can add a new payment option by filling out the form, or select from previously added payment options that will appear at the bottom of the pop up window. The selected Default payment option will appear in blue at the top.
  1. If you want to use a payment option other than the default in blue, select an option in white at the bottom. The page will refresh, click the “Pay with” option again, and the selected payment option will appear in blue at the top.
  2. NOTE: payment will only be processed when clicking a payment option highlighted blue.
  1. Once you select a payment option, the Processed Payments Status pop up window will appear. See image below:

  1. The Order Status will be Updated to Paid.

How to Drop Ship a Sales Order

  1. Select the Sales Order.
  2. At the bottom right of the Sales Order, Click More Actions.
  1. Select Generate Purchase Order.
  2. A pop-up window will appear on your screen (See Image Below).
  1. Select the Vendor.
  2. Click the Create Purchase Order button.

  1. You will be taken to the Purchase Order edit page.
  1. Change the Shipping Address (which is the To Address) to the customer that the product should be shipped to.
  2. Check the Billing Address to make sure the bill for the Purchase Order goes to the right place.
  1. Click the arrow on the green Update button.
  1. Click Update & send.
  2. An Update and Send Pop-up window will appear.
  1. Add any notes for the Vendor and Click Update & Send.
  2. Note:  The Attach Packing Slip checkbox will include the following document.
  1. See the Vendor Purchase Order Email document for further instructions on how to manage a Drop Shipment.
  2. Tips and Tricks:
  1. When creating a Purchase Order from a Sales Order, it will automatically be marked as a drop ship order under the Internal Tab on the Purchase order screen. This allows you to find it if filtering all orders marked as drop shipped.
  2. You can move between your Sale Order and Purchase Order: If in a Sales order, at the bottom right of the Order under Related Purchase Order(s), Click the Purchase Order listed there to return to it.
  3. You can move between your Purchase Order and Sales Order: In the top left of the Purchase Order, Click Click here to view Order to return to the Sales Order page.

How to use RMA’s and restock fees

This section will show you how to handle returned items within Zangerine. If you charge any restocking fees for returned items, Zangerine’s RMA system will record those fees.

  1. Click Sales.
  2. Click Orders.
  3. You will be redirected to the Sales Order list page.
  1. Select your Sales Order to generate an RMA for.
  1. You will be redirected to the Sales Order page.
  1. In the bottom right of the page, click More Actions.
  2. Select Generate RMA.
  1. You will be redirected to the Create RMA page.
  1. Enter the Return Quantity. See image below:

  1. Click Save.
  2. Note: Refund amount cannot be altered.
  1. Click Create Credit Memo, even if refunding cash.
  2. The Create Customer Credit pop up window will appear. See image below:

  1. Under Restocking Fee, Select Yes.
  2. Under Restocking Fee type, select one of the following:
  1. The % sign, if wanting to charge a percentage of the refund towards the fee.
  2. The $ sign, if wanting to charge a specific amount towards the fee.
  1. Enter the Restocking Fee Amount.
  2. Enter any Admin or Customer notes.
  1. Click Create Credit.
  2. You will be redirected to the Edit Credit Memo page. See image below:

  1. If this is a cash refund, you will want to reduce the Amount field.
  1. If you do not reduce the Amount field a credit will be given to your customer on top of their cash refund.
  1. At the bottom of the screen you will see the transaction showing where the order representing the restocking fee was created.
  1. Note: The restocking fee must go to an order, so Zangerine will create a new order for it.
  1. Print the RMA PDF and the Invoice of the restocking fee invoice to give to the customer so they know what their refund amount is.
  1. If your RMA PDF does not show the refund amount you can contact customer service to make a change to the PDF format.


How to Pick a Sales Order

Now that you understand the basics of sales orders, this section shows you how to use Zangerine’s inventory deduction system with picking. The picking system allows you to be precise on location deduction, serial/lot number products, and inventory history.

  1. Open your Sales Order.
  2. Click the blue Pick List button.
  1. You will be redirected to the Picking Module. See image below:

  1. Select the Fulfillment Warehouse to pick from.
  2. To fill the quantity for picking, do one of the following:
  1. Click the Blue Plus button to select all inventory to be picked from one location.
  2. Manually enter the number to pick from a location in the text box attached to the Blue Plus.
  3. Use the arrows in the text box to increase or decrease the inventory to pick from the selected location.
  4. Click the green Pick All button to select all inventory to be picked from one location.

  1. Click Mark as Picked and Deduct Inventory to complete the picking process.
  1. This will deduct inventory from your selected location.

Introduction to Fulfillments

Fulfillments is the end process of the picking workflow.  Fulfilments are meant to show you what was actually picked, versus what was ordered in the original sales order.

Fulfilments include information such as pick history, the ability to unpick, create a backorder as well as see any serial numbers/lot numbers that went out in the fulfillment.

The history includes when a User picked a quantity of product, and from which location.

A fulfillment is created after you click the Mark as Picked & Deduct Inventory button on the picking module for a sales order.

Note: If you partially pick a sales order, a fulfillment will still be created. Once you return to pick the rest of the order later, you can use that same fulfillment number to have Zangerine keep track of the order’s history all in one place. To do this you simply click the drop down menu titled Pick Fulfillment, and select the fulfillment you want to use.

You can access your fulfillments through the Shipping tab on Zangerine’s main menu, and selecting Fulfillments. This would direct you to the Order Fulfillments list screen.

Another option to access a previously completed fulfilment is in sales orders. You can access any fulfillments for your order in the Order Fulfillments section. This section will also give you a brief overview of the fulfillments for that sales order, and an option to create a backorder.


This section will show you how to create a back order from the Order Fulfillment screen. Using backorders allows you to keep track of product you temporarily could not include on a sales order, without having to revisit old fulfilled invoices to determine what has, and hasn’t been fulfilled.

  1. Click Shipping.
  2. Click Fulfillments.
  1. You will be redirected to the Order Fulfillments list screen.
  1. Select a Fulfillment.
  1. You will be redirected to the Order Fulfillment screen. See image below:
  2. Often you will skip these steps as you’ll already be on this screen after you have picked an order.

  1. In the top right, Click Create Backorder From Unpicked Items.
  2. You will receive a notification at the top of your screen saying a back order was created. See image below:

  1. The Backorder Number will generate in the internal notes on the order screen.  The backorder itself will reference the old sales order it came from as well. See image below:

  1. When you are ready to fulfill the back order, you can do one of the following:
  1. Copy the order number from the internal notes section and search for it in the search bar at the top of the Zangerine Menu. Then click the order and fulfill as normal.
  2. Go to the Sales Order List screen, and filter by the Backordered status, and select the backorder you want to fill.


Recording Outside Shipments inside Zangerine

If you use a shipping software outside of Zangerine, you will need to manually enter shipping costs and tracking information. To save tracking information for a sales order, do the following:

  1. Go into the fulfillment for the order you want to update.
  2. Under Shipping Service, Select the carrier you used.
  1. You can add Shipping Services under settings, Shipping services, and clicking the more actions button.
  1. These shipping services are simply tags to record which carrier was used.
  1. Under Record Shipment, enter the tracking number. See image below:

  1. Click Record Shipment.
  2. The tracking number will be saved both in the fulfillment history and in the Shipments section of your sales order.

To have the shipping cost reflected in a sales order’s Balance, do the following:

  1. Go into the sales order you’ve shipped.
  2. Click the red Modify Order button.
  1. You’ll be redirected to the edit order screen.
  1. Under the products section, enter the shipping charge in the empty text box. See image below:

  1. Click Update.
  1. The Shipping fee will be reflected in the Order Summary.

Z-Ship Integration

If you are going to use the Zangerine shipping software Z-Ship, this section will show you how to access your integration, along with setting up your label printer to work in conjunction with Z-Ship.

Zangerine Ship can be integrated with your Zangerine database using what’s called Single Sign On. To have access to Single Sign On, contact support and the integration will be added to your database.

  • Note: Before Single Sign On can work, you must first log in to Z-Ship outside of Zangerine and create an account. Make sure the email and password matches what is set on the User account logged into Zangerine. See image below:

  1. Click Shipping.
  2. Click Webship.
  3. You will be redirected to the Z-Ship Dashboard. See image below:

  1. From here you can create shipments for your orders.

Now that you can access Z-Ship in your database, let’s go over how to properly set up your Zebra printer for use on the software.

Note: Skip step 1 if you already have Zebra printer drivers installed.

  1. Go to Zebra’s website and download the Zebra Setup Utilities.
  1. Run the program, if you experience any issues, contact Zebra customer support.
  1. Open Zangerineship.
  2. Login.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Click Printer Setup.
  5. Select your Paper Size.
  6. Click WEBSHIPLINK Installer.
  7. On Zangerineship, Copy the Printer Token.

  1. In WebshipLink, Paste the Printer Token.

  1. In WebshipLink, Select a Printer.
  1. This will automatically communicate with Zangerineship.
  1. Leave WebshipLink open, you can minimize it and it will still run.
  1. Closing WebshipLink will end communication to Zangerineship.

Note: Now that set up is done, when you purchase shipping, a label will automatically be printed via WebshipLink to your chosen Zebra Printer.


This section will go over the basics of Zangerine’s report system. The reports are all adjustable using the Advanced Filters that can be found in the top right of a report. See image below:

Common filters include:

  • Date range
  • Current order status
  • Search by Creation Date (When added to system)
  • Reports will default use invoice dates.
  • Warehouse location
  • All Time (sets date range to include all possible data)

As you look through Zangerine’s reports you will also find different filters to pinpoint the data you are requesting.

Some reports, such as the Annual Purchase Orders report, will be generated with preset filters to give you a quick view of the requested data. In general if a report is not time period based, such as annual reports, you will need to add a time frame to populate data. Certain reports will also include filters specific to them. It is important to note though, that any preset filters may still need adjustments depending on your needs.

Once you have chosen your filters, the data will populate in the Quick Preview section and Some reports will provide you with illustrations such as charts and graphs.

Lastly, once you have your report populating your requested data, you can download the data as either a PDF or CSV file using the Download button directly beneath Advanced Filters.

Within the list of available reports the most commonly used are the Top Sellers, Gross Margin, and Inventory Valuation reports.

For an introduction on these reports see the following training videos:

Final Notes

Now that you have become familiar with the basics of Zangerine, take some time to explore your database! If ever you want to learn how to use any of Zangerine’s built in functions not covered in this introductory manual visit the Zangerine Knowledgebase. There you can find short training articles that pinpoint how to use specific functions within the system.

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