Vendor Purchase Order Email

Vendor Purchase Order Email

Please first refer to either How to Drop Ship a Sales Order or How to Drop Ship without a Sales Order documents to better understand the content of this article.

Once you have Updated and Sent a Purchase order, the below message will be sent to your Vendor:

Once your vendor receives this email, they are given three options:

  1. Accept Button: The Purchase Order Status will be updated to Accepted in Zangerine.

    1. Vendor will be redirected to this page to enter tracking information:

  1. Reject Button: The Purchase Order Status will be updated to Rejected in Zangerine.

  1. Vendor will be redirected to this page; confirming the rejection:

  1. Enter Tracking Number Button: Vendor is redirected to the same page as the Accept button. Once Tracking is entered, it is uploaded to your Purchase Order, and the Status is updated to Accepted.

  2. Please note that if you are drop shipping, you must manually add the tracking information to the original Sales Order. 

  3. Tips and Tricks:

    1. If your vendor selects Reject, they cannot go back to the email to change their choice to Accept. You will have to click Update & Send again from your Purchase Order to send a new email for them to accept.

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