How to Use Transfer Order Feature

How to Use Transfer Order Feature

Transfer Orders allow you to move inventory from one location to another.  Whether that other location be another storage facility, a sales rep’s on hand inventory or even loaned equipment to a customer, using this process will help you keep track of where your assets are at all times. 

  1. Go to Warehouse > Create Transfer Order.

  1. Select the warehouse inventory is being transferred out of the “Origin Warehouse” section.

  1. Select the destination warehouse, (or customer or sales rep).

  1. If Selecting a Customer or Sales Rep, you will get a search field when selecting either of these options.

    1. If you have not created the warehouse yet through the warehouse settings menu you can on the fly create a new one here.

  1. Notes and Due Date are not required.

  2. Enter in the products and quantities you want to transfer in the details section.

  1. Once all products have been entered, Click Save Transfer Order in the top right corner.

  2. If the products need to be shipped, and it’s ready to leave your location, go into the “Pick Inventory” section.  This will remove the inventory from the origin warehouse.

  1. Similar to picking an order, you’ll have a pick all button, or you can manually pick the stock location you want to pull from if you have multiples

  2. Then click “Mark As Picked and Deduct Inventory”

  1. This will bring you back to the original Transfer Order screen.  If the order has to go through transport, wait to receive the inventory until it arrives at its destination.  If that is not necessary then we can proceed to receiving the inventory in the new location.  Now that the order is picked, Receive Inventory becomes available.

  1. Here you can pick the stock location if one is available, otherwise you’ll automatically create a new one under the new location.. Click Receive All if all the product is accounted for,and then “record Received Inventory.

  1. This completes the Inventory Transfer Process!

  2. Notes: To fix any mistakes you can only go back one step at a time. Meaning, if you have already picked the order, you cannot alter the details until you unpick the Transfer Order.  If you have already received it, you have to undo the receiving, and then unpick to edit the products.  If product has already been discounted out of the new warehouse, you will be unable to undo the receiving.  To undo it navigate to the History section at the bottom of the transfer order screen.

  1. Finally. To get back into any previously created Transfer Order go to Warehouse > Transfer Orders. Here you will be taken to a list view of all your Transfer Orders and their statuses.

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