

This report will help you shipment information based on Shipping Name and Order Status. The report will auto populate with preset filters. To change these you will click 'Advanced Filters' in the upper right.

Access the report by doing the following:
  1. Click "Reports". 
  2. Click "Shipments Reports".
  3. Click "Shipments" from the reports menu.

You can filter the dates as follows:
  1. Click 'Advanced Filters' in the upper right.
  2. Click the date range at the top of the "Advanced Filters" box near the top of your screen and select your option.
  3. Choose the Order Status and Shipping Name that you would like included by using the drop down menu.
  4. Click filter.
You will see the results displayed in the 'Quick Preview' section. 

Note: This report can be exported by clicking the "Download" button to the right of the "Graphs" section.

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