This report will give you an overview look at Sales within each of your Product Categories. There are various uses to this report, such as to compare the overall popularity of products within different categories, using it to see the COGS for categories, to get a snapshot update on the current state of a category’s sales, or to break down quarterly sales within your categories.
The report itself will include your Category ID, Category Name, Product Count(unique products sold), Total Quantity, Total Cost, and Price total.
- Click Reports.
- Click Sales Reports.
- You will be redirected to the Managerial Accounting Reports screen.
- Click Sales By Category (Group).
- You will be redirected to the report. See image below:
- In the top right, Click Advanced Filters.
- Going left to right, do the following:
- Set a Date Range. This will populate data based on invoice dates.
- Select the Order statuses you want to populate in the report.
- Optional: Click the Search by Creation Date check box to populate data based on sales orders creation dates, instead of their invoices.
- Click Filter.
- The report will populate under the Quick Preview section.