Monthly Revenue Performace Report

Monthly Revenue Performace Report

This report shows the monthly totals for the amount of Orders created, and combined sums of those orders. There is one line on the graph titled Total, which

shows the combined orders and sums for the month, but you can also set the report to show the totals for orders set to certain statuses.

  1. Click Reports.
  2. Click Sales Reports.
  1. You will be redirected to the Managerial Accounting Reports screen.
  1. Click Monthly Revenue Performance.
  1. You will be redirected to the report. See image below:

  1. In the top right, Click Advanced Filters.
  2. Going left to right do the following:
  1. Set a date range for the report. This will go off of the invoice date for the sales order.
  2. Set the order statuses that you would like to appear on the report. If you just want the total to show, set the field to None selected.
  3. Optional: Click the Search by Creation Date check box to set the report to go off the sales order creation date instead of the invoice date.
  1. Click Filter.
  2. All Sales Orders applicable to your date range will be populated into the report.

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