Doing a count of your entire warehouse is a standard practice in most warehouses and this article will show you how to do a count of sections of your warehouse without having to manually edit each product one by one.
Let's start by discussing the permissions.
Can access Inventory Adjustment jobs - Allows the user to access to the two new screens, the Stock Locations Page and the Inventory Adjustment Jobs page. Does not give them access to open jobs or create new jobs.
Can access All Inventory Adjustment Jobs - Current behavior is -- You can see and access all jobs, not just the ones you've assigned.
Can Save Inventory Jobs - Allows the ability to create jobs and save inventory counts on the jobs, but does not give access to approving the job and making inventory changes.
Can Approve Jobs - Gives the user the ability to approve the job, which will finalize the job, and make inventory changes as indicated in the job.
The proper way to set up the permissions if you want someone to be able to create their own jobs but not see anyone else's would be this setup:
To begin, you must create a job for someone to count. To access, go to Warehouse > Inventory > Stock Locations
This page will list all products with a current stock location (even ones with zero quantity)
You can use the columns to filter what you want to count. For example, If you needed someone to count a specific Location Row use the Location Row column to filter for everything in a specific Column/Rack.
Select all the stock locations you want to add to the job and select Actions > Create Inventory Adjustment Job.
Next, you can determine if you want to leave off anything off the Print Out for the counter to have, such as SKU, Name and On Hand.
Use Print Out to print out the count sheet. If the employee has permission they will be able to come back and access the job and enter their quantities and save. Created jobs are accessed by going to Warehouse > Inventory > Inventory Adjustment Jobs.
If the inventory counted is greater than what shows in Zangerine, when the job is approved, it will use the cost in the product/edit screen to apply to that new quantity, or, you can overwrite it with the "overwrite" cost, which will only show up as an option if the quantity is greater than what exists in Zangerine.
Once the job has been saved, someone who has permission to approve the job can approve the job and then the adjustments will be made to the inventory and close out the job. This CANNOT be undone.