Inactive Customer Report

Inactive Customer Report

For those who have repeat customers, it can be helpful to find those who haven’t ordered in a while. You can use the Inactive Customer Report in order to see this information. The report looks for customers with accounts older than the start date, and who haven not ordered in the date range selected.

For our example, it is May. We want to see how many people ordered, last year, but failed to order the first four months of this year. We could use a date range of Jan 1 - Present as it would look for customers who were created BEFORE the start date, but who DO NOT have an order within the range of dates selected.

  1. In the menu, Left click Reports.

  2. Left click Customer Reports.

  1. Left Click on the Customer Report, ‘Inactive Customers’.

  1. In the upper right, left click the ‘Advanced Filters’ to expand the filters.

  1. Left click into the date range to select the time frame, in our example Jan 1 to May 1.

  2. Left click ‘Filter’ below the date range to filter the report.

  3. This report can be exported to CSV using the download button on the right.

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