How to use kitting

How to use kitting

This article will explain how to use the kitting feature inside of Zangerine. To create a new product listing, and add inventory for your kit:

  1. Click Catalog.
  2. Click Add Product.
  1. You will be redirected to the Edit Product screen.
  1. On the general tab do the following:
  1. Add a Product name.
  2. Generate a SKU.
  1. Click the Kitting tab. See image below:

  1. On the left, Click Insert.
  1. This populates fields to add products as part of your kit. You can add as many fields as you need by clicking insert multiple times. See image below:

  1. Click the Material Product field. This allows you to search for the product you want to add to your kit.
  2. In the QTY field, enter the amount of the specific product required in the kit.
  1. (e.g I need two wheels in my bike kit, so I enter 2 in the QTY field.)
  1. Click Save And Continue.
  2. To add inventory for your kit, click Build Kits.
  1. The Build Kits pop up window will appear. See image below:

  1. Optional: In the Warehouse field, you can select a location you will pull inventory from. Once you do the window will hide other warehouse locations.
  2. In the Quantity to Build field, enter the Amount of kits you want to make.
  3. In the Component/Location field, you will see the quantities it will take from each attached product to make the requested kits. You can also select which location you want to deduct inventory from.
  1. This field will show if you do not have enough product to build your requested kits. See image below:

  1. Click Build Kits.
  2. The inventory will be added to your product listing. In the location where the kit is added, the notes field will show Created by Kit Builder.

You can also build kits on the fly within the picking module. Inside the picking module, you’ll find the blue Build Kits button in the same box as Product name. See image below:

When you click this button you will see the same Build Kits pop up window from the kitting tab in a product listing. Use that to build the needed amount of kits. Once you click Build Kits on the pop up window, the page will refresh to show the correct inventory count for your Kit within the picking module.

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