How to Create Serial Numbers

How to Create Serial Numbers

This article will explain how to add Serial Numbers to your Serialized Products.

How to use the create serial number screen:

  1. Click Catalog.
  2. Click Serial Numbers.
  3. Click Add Serial Number.
  1. You will be redirected to the Create Serial Number screen. See image below:

  1. Use the Product field to search for the product to add this Serial Number to.
  1. In order to add a serial number, the inventory type of this product must be marked Serial Number. This is set at the time of product creation and cannot be changed.
  1. Once you have selected a product, you will be able to select a Stock Location.
  1. If your location is set to out of stock, it will not be able to be assigned as available stock.
  1. Enter the Serial Number.
  2. Enter a Cost.
  3. In the Received On field, select a Date.
  4. Add any Notes.
  5. Click Save Serial Number.
  6. This serial number will be recorded, along with a quantity of 1 added to your available quantity.

How to add a serial number at receiving:

  1. Click Purchasing.
  2. Click List.
  3. Select a Purchase Order.
  4. Scroll down, and click the green arrow next to Update.
  1. Select Receiving Standard.
  2. You will be redirected to the receiving module. See image below:

  1. Under SN/LN, click the Down arrow.
  1. The Serial/Lot Numbers field will appear.
  1. Enter the Serial numbers for the product you are receiving in, one line at a time. See image below:

  1. In the Pass QTY field, Click Auto Fill.
  2. Click Update.
  1. You will receive either a success if all fields were entered correctly or error message.
  1. You will see the new inventory in the product listing and the new serial numbers in the Serial number list screen.

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