How to Blog on Zangerine

How to Blog on Zangerine

Blogging on Zangeri​ne is a great way to give consistent updates on your business to your customers. It creates a feeling that your business is alive and well, by providing a reliable flow of information for your customer’s benefit.

One of the most important benefits of blogging is it shows companies like Google that you are updating your website. This in turn helps improve your organic ranking on search engines.

To be able to utilize your blog in Zangerine please contact Support as there is some setup that needs to happen first.

This article will describe how to create new blog posts, and where they will populate on your website.

  1. Click Content.
  2. Click Manage Blog.
  3. Click Add Post.
  4. You will be redirected to the Add Post page. See image below:

  1. Create a Title for the post that visitors to your website will see.
  2. In the Content text box, Type the Body of your Post.
  3. Add any images you want to include in your post using the Upload button in the Content toolbar. See image below:
  1. You can also add video to your post using the video player icon on the same row as the Upload button.

  1. Use the Meta Title, Meta Description, and Meta Keyword fields to better help spread your content through search engine listings.
  2. In the Top right corner, Click File Manager to add a Primary Image that will appear for the Blog post.
  3. Select The Category your post falls under.
  4. Click Save.

Note: If you would like to save the post, but not publish it to your website simply uncheck the Published check box in the bottom left of the page before saving.

You can create new Categories for your blog on the Blog Categories page.

  1. Click Content.
  2. Click Manage Blog.
  3. Click Blog Categories.
  4. You will be redirected to the Blog Categories page.
  1. Here you can create new categories, or select and edit existing ones.

Once published, the post will be available for viewing on your website.

  1. Click Content.
  2. Click Manage Blog.
  3. Click Posts.
  4. You will be redirected to the Posts list page.
  5. Do one of the following:
  1. On the far right under Actions, Click the blue Eye icon.
  1. You will be redirected to the post on your website.
  1. Select a Post.
  1. You will be redirected to the Edit Post page.
  1. At the bottom of the post under the Save button, Click View Post.
  2. You will be redirected to the post on your website.

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