Gross Sales Reports

Gross Sales Reports

The Gross Sales reports in Zangerine will provide your total sales for a selected date range. Depending on which report you select, either Annual, Monthly, Weekly,

or Daily, the report will auto populate with preset filters for the date range. It will generate a list of all orders in the set range, including the customer ID,
company name, totals for each order, tax fees, shipping fees, any discounts applied, invoice dates, and which store/market place the order came from.

The report also provides a pie chart for reference of the listed orders current statuses.

  1. Click Reports.
  2. Click Sales Reports.
  1. You will be redirected to the Managerial Accounting Reports screen.
  1. Select your one of the four Gross Sales Reports.
  1. You will be redirected to the report. See image below:

  1. Optional: to change the date range go to the top right, and Click Advanced Filters.
  1. Going left to right, do the following:
  1. Set a Date Range. This will populate data based on invoice dates.
  2. Optional: Click the check box for Search by Creation Date. This will populate data based on when the orders were created instead of by their invoice dates.
  1. Click Filter.
  1. Your report will be populated in the Quick Preview section.

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