Cross Reference: Sales By Product Report

Cross Reference: Sales By Product Report

This report will show you which orders were purchased using a cross reference that has been attached to a product listing. Potential uses for this report include:

  • Tracking popularity of an item by name or branding.

  • Total sales history for all associated names.

  • Find specific sales orders for the product across all associated names.

Run the report by following these steps: 

  1. Click Reports.

  2. Click Sales Reports.

  3. Click Sales By Product.

  4. On the left, Click the Date Range.

  5. Select a date range for the report. 

Note: On the right you can also check the All Time check box to view the product’s full Sales order history.

  1. Click the Product Search Field.

    1. Type the specific product you want to view in the report.

    2. Use the listing name, not the cross reference name.

  2. Under the date range, Click Filter.

The report will load with information about this product’s sales history. One of the fields is titled Cross Reference. 

A “yes” or “no” tells you which orders were placed using a cross referenced name attached to the product you’ve searched for.
  1. Yes meaning a Cross Reference name was used.
  2. No meaning the original product name was used to place the order.

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